Free Family Fun Events in July
July 1, 2019 | by b davis
Now that summer is in full swing, are the kids constantly whining that they are bored? Tired of spending money to entertain the masses? Well, then look no further; here is a list of FREE events happening in Billings this month!
- Wednesday/Friday Fun at the Library– Play games and build LEGOS from 3-4:45pm, every Wednesday and Friday at Billings Public Library in the Craft Corner!
- Musical Story Time: The Magic Flute – Monday, July 1, 12:30-1pm. Join in this new, special story time series that brings music and storytelling together! This week, introduces Mozart’s classic opera The Magic Flute. No registration required.
- Make & Take Craft – Monday, July 1, 8, 15- 3-4:45pm. Pop by the Library for Make & Take Craft in the Craft Corner. No registration is necessary.
- Special Story Time featuring NOVA Youth Conservatory’s Production of BFG – Saturday, July 6, 10:30-11:30am. Enjoy scenes from The BFG performed by local talent. Stay for a craft afterwards. All children and families are welcome, no registration required.
- Saturday Space Movies: E.T. – Saturday, July 6, 2-4pm. This timeless story follows the unforgettable journey of a lost alien and the 10-year-old boy he befriends. Join Elliot, Gertie, and Michael as they come together to help E.T. find his way back home. Rated PG, Running Time 115 minutes.
- ZooMontana Visits the Library – Thursday, July 11, 10:30-11am. ZooMontana will be visiting the Library. All children and families are welcome, no registration required.
- Saturday Space Movies: Fly Me to the Moon – Saturday, July 13, 2-4pm. Three young houseflies stow away aboard the Apollo 11 flight to the moon. Rated PG, Running Time 84 minutes
- Music Story Time: Good Night Moon – Monday, July 15, 12:30-1pm. This week, revisits a classic bedtime story, Goodnight Moon, and introduces new musical interpretations of the text. No registration required.
- Dance Party with the ABC Band – Thursday, July 18, 10:30-11am. Join BPL for a dance party that is out of this world and a Universe of Stories!
- Eagle has Landed – Saturday, July 20,11am-1pm. Join in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing! There will be fun space activities, crafts and snacks. Put yourself on the moon by taking a picture in front of the green screen; enjoy footage of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. Summer Reading participants that completed the Moon Walk Challenge can celebrate with a special lunar treat!
- Classical Music Story Time: Peter and the Wolf – Monday, July 29, 12:30-1pm. Join us for a new special story time series that brings music and storytelling together! This week, we’ll revisit one of the most iconic pieces of children’s music ever written: Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf. No registration required.
- Celebrate Freedom – Thursday, July 4, 5-11pm. This is the premier fireworks show in Billings. A massive choreographed fireworks display set to music begins after dark. Before that, Castlerock Park transforms into more than eight city blocks worth of free activities, including a variety of bounce houses and inflatable’s, live entertainment, lawn games, laser tag and so much more. There are lots of deep-discount food and summer treats. Come early, so you can do it all!
- Open House– Every Saturday in July, 11am-3pm. Open House at the Montana Audubon Center is a great time to explore the great outdoors and ask a naturalist any questions you might have.
- Bat Hike – Friday, July 19, 9-10:30pm. Dive into the mesmerizing world of bats! Join Megan O’Reilly from Fish, Wildlife and Parks to learn cool bat facts, and then head out with special acoustic equipment to find them. Bring a flashlight and good walking shoes. Free for all! Space is limited, register in advance.
- Healthy by Design Gardener’s Market at South Park – Every Thursday in July, 4:30-6:30pm. The market provides an opportunity for residents to purchase fresh, local and affordable produce, eggs, meat, preserves, baked goods and crafts. The market accepts cash, debit, credit, WIC and SNAP. There are also a variety of family-friendly activities to take part in each week.
- Wise Wonders: First Free Friday Night – Friday, June 7, 5-9pm. Visit Wise Wonders every first Friday of the month for free from 5pm to 9pm!
- Billings First Friday’s – Friday, July 5, 5-8pm. Invite your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and more to spend each and every First Friday in the heart of our community. Billings First Friday's celebrates and highlights what our local shops, restaurants, cultural venues, and nightlife hotspots have to offer from 5:00pm - 8:00 pm the first Friday of every month. Participating shops and businesses will host special events, offer refreshments & promotions, and sponsor live entertainment. Everyone is welcome to attend!
- This House of Books Summer Series for Kids: Where’s Your Creativity? – Monday, July 8, 2-3pm. Heather Kovis will open up the world of veterinary technicians for us. What do they do? What skills and education do they need? What's the most fun part of the job? You’ll find out. Ask a child, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” and at one time or another in their lives they will say “I want to work with animals.” Heather has the job to which many, many children aspire. Find out what goes on behind the scenes at a veterinary clinic. Heather promises that we will get to try out some of her tools.
This event is co-sponsored by the Animal Clinic of Billings. It is free and open to the public. The activities are best suited for elementary students but children younger and older will have a good time.
- Alive After 5 with El Wencho – Thursday, July 11, 5-8pm. This week's summer concert is at Montana Brewing Company on Thursday, July 11! Outdoor live music in the street from El Wencho. Admission with alcohol wrist bands is $2 for 21+. Admission is free for ages under 21! Mia’s Wok and Rollin' Ritos will be on site serving food!
- Alive After 5 with Arterial Drive – Thursday, July 18 5-8pm. Join us for Alive After 5 at Tiny's Tavern on Thursday, July 18! Outdoor live music in the street from Arterial Drive. Admission with alcohol wrist bands is $2 for 21+. Admission is free for ages under 21! Come party with us and 3,000 of your closest friends on a Summer Thursday night! The first 500 guests will receive an AA5 cup! Dickey's Barbecue Pit will be on site serving BBQ!
- Yellowstone Valley Farmers Market – Every Saturday in July-September, starting July 20, 8am-12pm. Celebrate the success of local food growers and producers, and create a vibrant community gathering with fresh food, live entertainment and fun!
- 23rd Fiesta Car Show at South Park - Saturday, July 20 8am-4pm. This will be the 23rd annual fiesta car show and the 66th annual Mexico Fiesta.
- Alive After 5 with John Roberts y Pan Blanco – Thursday, July 25 5-8pm. Join us for Alive After 5 at Walkers Grill on Thursday, July 25! Outdoor live music in the street from John Roberts y Pan Blanco. Admission with alcohol wrist bands is $2 for 21+. Admission is free for ages under 21! Come party with us and 3,000 of your closest friends on a Summer Thursday night! Walkers Grill and Well Pared will be on site serving food!
- Free Spirit Rock at Josephine Crossing – July 16, 5-8:30pm. Let's keep the summer concert fun going with Free Spirit Rock, a Billings based band playing the best of rock, blues, soul, and funk music. The members are local area musicians and professionals. Check them out at: freespiritrockschool.com. As always, the concerts are free, open to the public, and support local non-profits. Food trucks will be on hand to keep us fed, and the Billings West End Exchange Club will be selling beer and wine with a portion of proceeds going to our non-profit for the evening. Bring the whole family, tell all your friends, and get yourself out to Josephine Crossing for some summertime fun. Opening is The ABC Band (Always Be Creative)! Perfect to get all the young at heart in the mood to shake and groove. Check out the ABC Band and all the amazing things they are up to at: alwaysbecreative.org The local non-profit beneficiary for our July concert is Songbird Community Garden. Located near Josephine Crossing but open to all Billings residents.
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at St. John’s Summer Concert Series – Thursday, July 11, 6-8:30pm. St. John's Summer Concert Series *FREE *Thursday, July 11th *Big Bad Voodoo Daddy -7pm *Jessica Eve opens at 6pm. *Campus of St. John's United *Billings, MT.
- Midlife Chryslers at St. John’s Summer Concert Series – Thursday, July 18, 6-8:30pm. Cory Leone Johnson will open.
- Southern Drawl Band at St. John’s Summer Concert Series – Thursday, July 25, 6-8:30pm. John Adams will open.
- Kids’ Workshop: Tow Truck – Saturday, July 6 9-12pm. Save the day with a tow truck in this hands-on workshop. Together you and your child can build a custom toy tow truck with an operational boom to rescue model vehicles from ditches and embankments, move disabled vehicles or simply put the model on display. Once your wrecker construction is complete, your child can customize it with paint and stickers. All Kids Workshop attendees must be accompanied by a parent or adult at all times. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Children must be present at the store to participate in the workshop and receive the kit, apron and pin.
- Family Summer Event – Every Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday until July 21st. 12-4pm. This is an awesome opportunity for your kids to learn about fishing, archery, camping and more! Workshops, crafts, and games.
- Reptile Roundup – Saturday, July 20, 12-2pm. See how the west was fun! Meet a bearded dragon; create a mini habitat & more! Plus, get 40% off all Zoo Med™ products on event days! Available at both Petsmart locations.
- Storytime and Activities – Every Saturday in June @ 11am. Each week will feature a different story and activity, see website for more details.
- Summer Jam at Rimrock Mall – Friday, July 5, 6-10pm. Summer Jam at Rimrock Mall is a FREE, fun, family-friendly event space. Summer Jam will give the West End of Billings a chance to enjoy the summer weekends in a fun outdoor area! Admission the concert is FREE and there will alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase. See you this summer at Summer Jam! This week, enjoy the sounds of Fab Folk a Beatles Tribute Band with fireworks show.
- JcPenny Kids Zone – Saturday, July 13, 11-12pm. Kids get to color a fun back to school pencil pouch from Izod. In addition, they will get their FREE JCPenney Kids Zone lanyard & ID Badge!
- Summer Jam at Rimrock Mall – Friday, July 19, 6-10pm. Summer Jam at Rimrock Mall is a FREE, fun, family-friendly event space. Summer Jam will give the West End of Billings a chance to enjoy the summer weekends in a fun outdoor area! Admission the concert is FREE and there will alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase. See you this summer at Summer Jam! This week, enjoy the sounds of Spur of the Moment.
- Movies Under the Stars: Spider-Man Into the Spider Verse – Saturday, July 5, -10pm. The Billings Kiwanis will host its second Movies Under the Stars at ZooMontana! The gates will open at 6pm and the movie will begin at dusk. Free admission! Awesome concessions! The movie will be Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and concession sales will benefit Big Sky Science Education Enhancement.
- Movies Under the Stars: Monsters, Inc. – Saturday, July 13, 6-10pm. Join Billings Kiwanis for Movies Under the Stars on Friday, July 13. The gates will open at 6pm and the movie will begin at dusk. Free admission! Awesome concessions! The movie will be Monsters, Inc. and concession sales will benefit Eagle Mount.
- Montana Shakespeare in the Parks: Henry IV Part I @ Pioneer Park. Thursday, July 11, 6:30pm. For the first time in MSIP’s 46 years, they’re presenting this Shakespearean tragedy. Bring a picnic, a blanket or a chair for a night of theater under the Big Sky.
- Montana Shakespeare in the Parks: The Merry Wives of Windsor @ Pioneer Park. Friday, July 12, 6:30pm. Bring a picnic, a blanket or a chair for a night of theater under the Big Sky.
- Firefly Outdoor Movie Company: The Lego Movie 2 @ Pioneer Park. Saturday, July 20, 7pm-11:30pm. Food and fun start at 7 and movie starts at sunset. Bring your blankets and chairs, friends and family. *Dates and Locations are subject to change, check fireflymovieco.com for more details.
- Community Gardening with GoUnite – Wednesday, July 24, 4:30-6:30pm. Come enjoy an evening outdoors, tending to the Amend Park Community Garden, located at the corner of Amend Park and South Billings Boulevard. This garden is an important source of sustenance in one of the "food deserts" of Billings. We will be doing everything from pulling weeds, harvesting, thinning out plants, watering and more. This will be a fun project even the smallest children could get involved in also. Bring the whole family and help us make Billings better.
- Balloons over Billings 2019 Morning Ascensions – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 26-28, 6am. *Weather Permitting* Each morning hot air balloons will ascend into the morning skies. Depending on wind direction and speed they may end up over the West End, Heights, over the river, and over town. NEW: There will be a pancake breakfast hosted by the Heights & Lockwood Optimist Clubs - ** Free will donation. The event is free to attend, handicap accessible. Please NO: smoking, dogs, drones. DO bring: Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, cameras, blankets or lawn chairs.
- Balloons Over Billings 2019 Glow & Festivities
- Montana Brews & BBQ – Saturday, July 13, 1-10pm. The 9th annual Montana Brews & BBQ’s will take place Saturday, July 13th in the beautiful Lakeside setting at MetraPark. What makes this a true “Brewfest” is that it is outdoors and features only keg beers from Montana. Kegs are used because it offers the purest and freshest beer. It is the only true “Brewfest” in the state. All of the local breweries will be there along with many others from throughout the state. Many of the breweries will showcase seasonal brews typically not available year round. Hours will be 1:00pm to 10:00pm. Admission is free.
- Trailblazing Celebration – Saturday, July 13, 11am-2pm. Billings TrailNet’s unveiling of the newest portion of its Skyline Trail is set to take place on July 13, 2019. Celebrate the beginning of a new trail along the rims of Billings and enjoy live music by Arterial Drive, food trucks including Big Guy Barbecue, e-bike demos from The Spoke Shop, a Family Fun Run hosted by Yellowstone Rim Runners, an appearance by Mayor Bill Cole and Chaquille Cozart and Alex Weiman from Total Nutrition Billings as the event’s MCs. The Trailblazing Celebration is family-friendly and FREE at Zimmerman Park 11 a.m. Come celebrate the newest segment of the Skyline Trail with food, music, and entertainment!