Balloons Over Billings 2019 Glow & Festivities @ Amend Park
Saturday, July 27, 2019 @ 6pm
The Big Sky International Balloon Rendezvous is returning to its original launching pad at Amend Park this year with the Balloons Over Billings 2019 Morning Ascensions (see calendar) and Glow & Festivities. The Glow, taking place Saturday evening will have an impressive variety of food trucks (Kona Ice, Montana Melt, Camphouse BBQ, Taste of Asia, Rollin Rito's, Oktoberfest, Wok & Roll), live entertainment by Soul Funk Collective, kids’ activities, and a movie (starting at 10:15pm). The main event, of course, being the Glow, which is planned for 9-10pm. Returning for its 20th year is pilot Peter Van Overwalle’s Princess Nelly hot air balloon.
Bring the family and friends (blankets or lawn chairs, cameras, and flashlight) for this beautiful evening event, as the hot air balloons light up the night.
Want a behind-the-scenes look at this spectacular event? Volunteers for crewing/chasing and the festivities are still needed. Sign up: https://bit.ly/2KLbHtC.