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5 Ways To Maximize Your Insurance Benefits

November 21, 2022

by kevin gardner, guest contributor 

In 2020, the average family paid $1,152 a month per health insurance and prices are only expected to continue rising. The rising costs have caused many families to begin looking deeper into their insurance plans to try to find ways to save money and maximize what they're getting for what they pay. Here's what you can do to maximize your own insurance benefits. 

1. Work With Technologically Developed Companies

The world is fast-paced and it shows. Between work, taking care of the kids, and running errands, you barely have time for yourself, let alone to talk to an outdated insurance company. Look for companies that use products like Insurtech to help them run their businesses. This way, they have 24/7 customer service available for your important questions and can respond to more direct messages quickly and with ease. You'll be able to save time by avoiding phone calls or going into an office in favor of emails or chat messaging.

2. Keep Detailed Records of Your Healthcare

The sad fact is that many health insurance companies make mistakes that could cause issues for you. To prevent problems from cropping up, it's important to keep well-organized and detailed records of the healthcare you receive. Keep records of all the bills that you receive from your doctors and specialists as well as any communication you've had with your insurance company. Many people even keep notebooks that detail when they talked to a doctor on the phone and what the conversation was about. This information is helpful should your doctor's office or insurance company make a mistake that you need to appeal. 

3. Understand What Your Insurance Covers

One of the biggest reasons that people don't get enough coverage out of their healthcare plans is because they don't realize they have the coverage they need. Your insurance provider should give you a summary of benefits and coverage that shows you a brief overview of what your policy provides. Some companies also hand out glossaries that teach you what the industry jargon means. Look through all of your information thoroughly and don't be afraid to call your provider and ask questions. This way, you won't find yourself paying out of pocket for something that your healthcare provider would have paid for.

4. Find a Good Primary Care Doctor

Finding a good primary care doctor (or pediatrician) for each member of your family is a true necessity. When you don't have a primary care provider and are going to different doctors or urgent care centers, none of the medical professionals have an accurate account of your medical history. By going to the same doctor for your yearly physicals and any time you feel sick, you'll have an accurate record that your doctor can look back on, such as whether you've ever suffered from seizures. He or she will be able to tell what's normal and abnormal for you and could flag you for screenings that improve your health. Your insurance company can provide a list of doctors who are in-network, but be sure to do your own research as well to find one you like. 

5. Plan When To Have Procedures

If you need to have a big procedure that costs thousands of dollars, it's a good idea to plan it strategically based on your current financial status and how high your deductible (the amount you must pay before insurance begins to pay for things) is. If you have enough money to pay for your procedure upfront, you can have it before you meet your deductible and know that the rest of your healthcare will be free of charge for the year. On the other hand, if you don't have several thousand to put towards a procedure, wait until you've met your deductible via other appointments. This way, the insurance provider is likely to cover most of the cost of the procedure. 

There are many ways to maximize the benefits you get from your health insurance provider. Always read the fine print and check out any special offers the company has for its members to maximize benefits even further. 

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