5 Books to Give This Christmas (and beyond!)
December 9, 2019 | by katie jones backer
My Dad and Grandma fostered my love for reading at an early age by always giving me a book at Christmas. Though I understand not everyone loves to read, I still like to think that nowadays, with the options of eBooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks, there is something for everyone. Therefore, if you want to give books this holiday season (which I so encourage you to do), figure out what the recipient is interested in or open to. Use this as an opportunity to share your love and appreciation for that person by paying special attention to their interests. The gift will mean so much more to your granddaughter if you buy her the book about dragons that she won’t stop talking about, even though you wish she would read Little House on the Prairie instead. Could you buy her both? Then she’ll get something she really wants, which shows you have been paying attention, while also presenting an opportunity for you to share one of your favorites with her. Perhaps you can read it together? Books allow for us to have an experience, one that doesn’t have to be spent alone.
Here are 5 diverse books to consider sharing with the readers in your life this Christmas season (and beyond!)
1. For our young readers, Emileen and Jilly Bean by A.R. Taylor just released on December 3 and it’s a must-read! The illustrations alone are worth the purchase. This darling book, about the “humorous bond between a young girl, Emileen, and her rascally dog, Jilly Bean… is an unforgettable tale of friendship and unconditional love.” It is one our littles will want to have read to them over and over.
2. For our Middle Grade Readers, I cannot recommend the Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer ENOUGH! These books have entertained my daughter and I all year long. If you are a fan of audiobooks, and sick of the “are we there yet” moments in the car, the author Chris Colfer does a FANTASTIC performance as the narrator as well. Your kids will beg to go for a drive to the grocery store as an excuse to keep listening! I think the entertainment value would carry over just as well in the traditional book form too if you want to purchase the first book (or all six) in this delightful “fast-paced adventure that uniquely combines our modern day world with the enchanting realm of classic fairy tales.”
3. For Young Adult readers, if your teen loved Maze Runner, Divergent, and/or Hunger Games, get ready for the next big, dystopian series: Old Sequoia Valley by C.R. Pugh. These books are action-packed, and hard to put down! I know if I was still teaching, I would have kept a classroom set of these for my high schoolers. And book three of this exciting trilogy is set to release December 14 just in time for Christmas. Buy the whole set, your teen will thank you!
4. For our Adult readers, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to recommend my own Fantasy series, Nav’Aria by me (K.J. Backer)! If you or your friends are fans of Fantasy, Action & Adventure, or Historical Fiction, this is the Fantasy Adventure series for you. Fans of Lord of the Rings and/or Game of Thrones greatly enjoy these suspenseful books! Beyond the fantastical characters—such as EPIC unicorn warriors—this story examines the human heart, the meaning of family, good versus evil, and packs a whole lot of punch! (Join me Saturday, December 14th at Leslie’s Hallmark Store in Rimrock Mall from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. to get your signed copies). You can learn more about the series or myself at kjbacker.com or visit: https://www.amazon.com/K-J-Backer/e/B07MRJKBXG
5. And for our non-fiction readers, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a must. There is a reason this book has stayed on the NY Times Best-Seller list for so many years. I had heard great things, and finally sat down to read it with my husband this year. What a gamechanger! This book helps you understand your own way of giving and receiving love going beyond your romantic relationship. It gives you a great lens to be able to determine what others need from you, how you can communicate what you need from them, and how truly our actions speak louder than words. This would make a wonderful gift for an engaged couple, anniversary gift, new parent, college student, teacher or nurse, you name it!
- Also, if you’re considering giving a book, check out this 2020 books to films list. Many people like to read the book before a TV show or movie releases, so take a peek to see if something would work for those on your shopping list. And at the end of the day, you can’t go wrong with a gift card to a local bookstore or Amazon. Giving books, and fostering a love for reading, is commendable and a wonderful gift for those of every age. And best of all, books never go out of style!