
SAM's Run @ Laurel Sports Complex | August 17 @ 8am


SAM's Run

Saturday, August 17, 2019

1:45 PM 1:45 PMUTC

SAM’s Run 2019

  • Saturday, August 17 @ 7:45am, Kids Run | 8am, 5K
  • Register: $20 | https://bit.ly/2S5Fleo | Register up to race day!
  • Packet Pick Up: Aug 16, 4-7pm at The Rock Church (820 W 9th St)

This 5K that begins and ends at the Laurel Sports Complex, aims to start the school year on the right foot, raising awareness for suicide prevention and the importance of mental healthcare. The 5K loop through Laurel allows for runners and walkers alike to test their endurance, with signs sharing stats and positive words guiding the way. Prior to the start of the 5K, littles will get a chance to show off their speed with an informal Kids Run to kicks things off.

Following the run, the community is invited to share in a pancake breakfast, along with the participants.

SAM’s Run is the main fundraiser for Step In, an organization based in Laurel, formed following the loss of a middle school student, Sam, to suicide in November 2015. Step In strives to connect youth, family, and friends in our community to resources that help combat suicide through prevention and awareness of mental illness. This run promotes open conversation, healthy choices, and creating a supportive environment. May we always choose to Step In:

Step in when you see someone being bullied.

Step in when you see someone who is alone.

Step in to prevent teen suicide.