October 2019 Family Fun Freebies
October 1, 2019 | by b davis
Fall is here, which means the start of cooler weather, the leaves changing color and all things pumpkin spice. Take advantage of the many free events coming up to help you save money for the holidays. Be sure to check out all of the community Halloween events!
- Wednesday/Friday Fun at the Library, 3-4:45pm– Play games and build LEGOS from 3-4:45pm, every Wednesday and Friday at Billings Public Library in the Craft Corner!
- Friday Night Fun: Art Walk – Friday, October 4, 5-9pm. For the enjoyment of the public, BPL is pleased to exhibit the art of Joseph Henry Sharp. Out of public view for decades, various pieces will be on display, as well as the Chief Plenty Coups life mask in partnership with the Western Heritage Center.
- READ to a Dog – Saturday, October 5, 11am-12pm. Each reading child will sign up for one 15 minute time with a dog of their choice. Sign up happens on the day of the program. READ to a Dog program is a chance for children to read to a dog one on one. Sometimes, children may have a difficult time reading, and reading to a dog can bring a feeling of non-judgment, which makes reading a more relaxing and fun experience. With bringing the Intermountain Therapy dogs here, it creates that relaxed feeling in a safe and comfortable environment.
- Fire Prevention with Pattycakes – Thursday, October 10, 10:30-11am. Fire Safety Week is Oct. 6th – 12th and Billings Public Library wants to help educate children and their families about basic fire safety. Pattycakes the Clown, a local Billings Firefighter/EMT along with one other firefighter will use specially made magic tricks to entertain and educate about smoke alarms, fire escape plans and recognizing firefighters in their equipment.
- Story Time with High Plain Book Award Finalists – Saturday, October 12, 10:30-11am. Billings Public Library is honored to host the High Plains Book Award finalists in the Children’s book category for a special Story Time. This Story Time will include a reading of all three nominated books by their authors. Rodney Gottula will be sharing his book, “Double Not Half” the story of a little boy from Montana and his family who move across the world to Japan, where he faces challenges when adapting to a new culture. “My Buddy Dido” by Marian Mutala, highlights all the ways grandfathers share their love and care for their grandchildren, through food and song and lots of cuddles. Donna Cochrane will share her story, “Prison Paws: Max’s Story”, a story of two stray dog’s redemption when they are found and sent to prison to walk on a leash, sit, and stay.
- Friday Night Fun: Halloween Crafts – Friday, October 18, 6:30-8:30pm. Will these crafts be a trick or a treat? Stop by the Children's Craft Corner and find out.
- Halloween Make and Take Craft – Monday, October 21, 3-4:45pm. Get ready for Halloween by painting some festive critters. No registration required. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Clean up starts at 4:45 pm.
- Teddy Bears and Stuffed Friends Sleepover – Friday, October 25, 6-8pm. Billings Public Library invites parents and children 12 years and younger to a very special Story Time Friday October 25th at 6:00pm. Bring your Teddy Bear or your best stuffed friend (one per child). Following Story Time, we will tuck all the stuffed animals in for a sleepover at the library – will they stay in bed? Will they get up to mischief while the library is closed? Hidden camera results will be shared at the Good Bear Day Celebration on Saturday, October 26th at 10:30am in the Community Room. Stuffed Teddy Bears and Stuffed Friends may be picked up beginning at 10:15am before Good Bear Day begins. Come join the fun!
- Good Bear Day – Saturday, October 26, 10:30-11:30am. In honor of President Teddy Roosevelt's birthday, Billings Public Library invites all 'teddy bears" to bring their favorite person to celebrate the 32nd annual "Good Bear Day" on October 26th at 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room. The celebration will include bear stories, a coloring contest complete with prizes and other fun surprises. Please pick up your entry at the Billings Public Library Children’s Services desk or from the library's website www.billingslibrary.org Please call 657-8256 or e-mail kidsdesk@billingsmt.gov for more information. See you there!
- Open House– Saturday, October 19, 11am-3pm. Open House at the Montana Audubon Center is a great time to explore the great outdoors and ask a naturalist any questions you might have.
- Healthy by Design Gardener’s Market at South Park – Thursday, October 3, 4:30-6:30pm. The market provides an opportunity for residents to purchase fresh, local and affordable produce, eggs, meat, preserves, baked goods and crafts. The market accepts cash, debit, credit, WIC and SNAP. There are also a variety of family-friendly activities to take part in. This is the last week.
- This House of Books: Game Night – Every Thursday in October, 5-8pm. We get underway a little after 5 at your independent bookstore and tea shop in downtown Billings. Learn a new game or revisit an old favorite, quaff some tea, browse community a few books, and have a good time. We have a large library of games to demo and play—or feel free to bring your own. While you're here, enjoy a variety of drinks and snacks! Families, teens, children singles, couples, friends all enjoy game night! We have games for everyone. The action continues until about 8.
- Wise Wonders: First Free Friday Night – Friday, October 4, 5-9pm. Visit Wise Wonders every first Friday of the month for free from 5pm to 9pm!
- Billings First Friday’s – Friday, October 4, 5-8pm. Invite your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and more to spend each and every First Friday in the heart of our community. Billings First Friday's celebrates and highlights what our local shops, restaurants, cultural venues, and nightlife hotspots have to offer from 5:00pm - 8:00 pm the first Friday of every month. Participating shops and businesses will host special events, offer refreshments & promotions, and sponsor live entertainment. Everyone is welcome to attend!
- First Friday at YAM – Friday, October 4, 5-9pm. Stop by the YAM every First Friday! Each month the museum will feature either an artist, musician, or lecture series. Free parking and free admission to our current art exhibitions.
- Yellowstone Valley Farmers Market Saturday, October 5, 8am-12pm. Celebrate the success of local food growers and producers, and create a vibrant community gathering with fresh food, live entertainment and fun! This is the last week for 2019.
- Downtown Billings HarvestFest – Saturday, October 12, 9-4pm. Sponsored by Montana Brewing Company, located in the center of downtown Billings under Skypoint at 2nd Ave. and Broadway, Harvestfest is a grand community fall festival taking place the second weekend of October. The finale of summer’s Farmers’ Market, Harvestfest celebrates the season with a rich diversity of arts and crafts, fresh produce, mums, pumpkins, pies, and the final offerings of farmers’ market produce. Strollers experience the aromas of food-truck fare like roasted nuts, steak sandwiches, and kettle corn. Live entertainment includes fiddlers and dancers performing under Skypoint, the Pumpkin Pie baking contest judged by the Chefs and Cooks of Montana, and the popular Merchant Gift Basket Raffle featuring a tempting assortment of items donated by local businesses. With an interactive children’s area including free crafts and activities for all ages.
- Kids’ Workshop: Fire Plane – Saturday, October 5, 9-12pm. Save the day during Fire & Safety Month and let your imagination soar as you build a fire plane. With a little help, you can learn to use a screwdriver to connect everything you’ll need to become airborne. You’ll be able to attach the wings, landing gear, adjust the tail fin, decorate the propellers with stickers and be ready to fly. All Kids Workshop attendees must be accompanied by a parent or adult at all times. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron and a commemorative pin while supplies last.
- Pajama Storytime and Activities Featuring Good Night, Little Blue Truck – Friday, October 18, 7pm. A scary storm is brewing! When Little Blue Truck and his friend Toad join their other friends to seek safety from the storm, they find that it's easy to be brave together! Join us and get a free hot apple cider or juice, plus a cookie (Café stores only, while supplies last).
- Kids Book Hangout Event – Saturday, October 19, 2pm. Books can take you on amazing adventures through magical lands, the great outdoors, and even school! Join us for our fall Kids' Book Hangout to discover your next great, adventurous read. Connect with fellow readers, play games and activities, and take home giveaways! Bring a friend and we'll see you there. Plus, get a coupon for a $1 Rice Krispy Bar (Café stores only).
- The Last Kids on Earth Training Camp Event – Saturday, October 26, 2pm. See if you have what it takes to fight the Monster Apocalypse! Join us for activities, a survival quiz, trivia, giveaways, and more to celebrate this favorite series! Plus, get a coupon for a $1 Rice Krispy Bar (Café stores only).
- JCPenney Kids Zone – Saturday, October 12, 11am-12pm. Create little harvest monsters at the JCPenney Kids Zone!
- Montana Women’s Expo – Saturday, October 5, 10-5pm. The Montana Women's Expo was designed to provide women with answers to their many questions and direct them to local professionals and providers who can help. Free admission.
- Girls In Science – Saturday, October 12, 1-4pm. MSU Billings Girls-n-Science is a FREE one-day extravaganza that provides hands-on, minds-on interactive activities to introduce girls in 4th – 8th grades to careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math); to encourage and excite them to pursue education in those areas; and to facilitate relationships between the girls and professional women in scientific disciplines.
- Refresh the Rims – Saturday, October 19, 9-11:30am. The sixth annual Refresh the Rims will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Come join Billings Parks, students from Montana State University-Billings Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program and community members in an effort to improve one of our defining landmarks. Volunteer Check-in starts at 9:00a at the Billings Community/Senior Center (360 N 23rd St) Volunteers will receive a free event t-shirt! Preregister online at: www.billingsparks.org/refresh-rims