
National Adoption Day Celebration @ Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

photos by Daniel Sullivan, 2017 ceremony


National Adoption Day Celebration

Saturday, November 16, 2019

5:00 PM 5:00 PMUTC

On National Adoption Day, the courtroom walls essentially come down as the community is invited in to celebrate adoptions finalized during 2019. During this National Adoption Day Celebration, Judge Michael Moses will finalize the adoptions of 16 children for 12 families. Experience this special moment at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (1108 S 24th St W) where social workers with the State of Montana, St. John’s United Family Services, and Catholic Social Services will be available to answer any questions you might have about fostering or adopting children in need in our community.

National Adoption Month is a month-long celebration of families who have opened their hearts and homes to children in foster care. National Adoption Day is a collective national effort to raise awareness of the more than 117,000 children in foster care waiting for permanent and loving families. A coalition of national partners, including the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, sponsors National Adoption Day.