
Laps 4 Life @ Daylis Stadium


Laps 4 Life

Saturday, September 21, 2019

10:00 PM 12:00 AMUTC

This fun run/walk, organized by high school student, Jesse Dimich-Louvet, is all to help homeless high school students within School District 2. Laps 4 Life invites you to come run/walk the track at Daylis Stadium on September 21 while teams, bands, and clubs from Billings High Schools animate the area surrounding the track. 

Participants will complete laps during 15-minute time periods (runners first, walkers second). Prizes will be awarded throughout the event and concessions will be available. Proceeds from entry fees and sponsorships will be distributed to homeless high school students via Sue Runkle, the Homeless Education liaison for Billings Public Schools. 

The fun run/walk came to be as part of Dimich-Louvet's platinum project for Billings Senior High School. With a newfound awareness of the magnitude of homelessness in our community - 600 students in School Disctrict 2 are homeless (80 of whom attend Senior High, meaning 5% of the students at Senior do not go home each night). Deeming this unacceptable, Laps 4 Life was established: "High school is hard enough without being homeless." 


Packet Info

  • Packet pickup begins at 3:00 pm at Daylis Stadium on Sept 21.
  • Packet includes required wrist band and ticket for prizes to be drawn at event—(must be present to win)

Race Schedule

  • Runners race at 4:00pm and 4:30pm.
  • Walkers walk at 5:00pm and 5:30pm.
  • Times are subject to numbers of participants.