
Quiz: What's Your Giving Back Style?

November 1, 2018

If ever there is a time of year when people are looking outside of themselves and for ways to give back to others, it's this season from November to December. With options galore in need of helping hands, perhaps you've never stopped to examine where your talents might best lay, so let's discover your Giving Back Style! 

What's Your Giving Back Style? 

1. I feel most inspired…

a. Reading to young children

b. Taking a walk with my dog

c. Shopping, talking, or creating “the place to hang out” for your teen and her friends

d. Visiting with an elderly neighbor

2. My heart hurts most…

a. When I see/read about a neglected child

b. Thinking/seeing a four-legged friend hurt and/or homeless

c. When youth are misrepresented and misunderstood

d. Thinking about the elderly being forgotten or ignored

3. My favorite sound is…

a. A child’s belly laugh

b. A kitten purring in my lap

c. Loud music, non-stop chatter, and endless photo snaps

d. The voice of a grandparent regaling tales of their youth

4. The perfect day would be…

a. Running through the park with the kids

b. Snuggled with my pup on the couch, or at the dog park

c. Hearing that loud music and non-stop chatter in the background as I supply endless supplies of food

d. Sitting nestled in a warm kitchen catching up on grandma’s/pa’s week

If you answered mostly A’s: You are all about the kids. You would do anything to help a child in need, whether it’s making sure they have food in their bellies, clothes on their back, or helping them by supporting their family unit; you want to be a part of their village!

If you answered mostly B’s: Your kind of people are of the furry, four-legged variety. Your heart aims to keep animals safe, loved, homed with their forever families, and well cared for.

If you answered mostly C’s: You are NOT of the mindset that the teen years are the worst years. You relish time spent with teens and want to find ways to support them through these emotionally charged, frequently tumultuous years. You want them to feel supported, seen, and heard.

If you answered mostly D’s: Your heart belongs to the elderly. Your blood boils when news hits your feed about seniors being scammed, abused, or neglected. You firmly believe that our society needs to do better remembering and serving the elderly.

While these are some of the people you can help, there are many ways to give back:

Time/Energy * Expertise * Financially * Donations (food, clothes, etc)

Originally printed in the pages of Simply Family Magazine’s November 2018 issue.

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