Halloween Safety Tips
Most children go trick-or-treating every year without incident, but I’m a mom who’s big on the ‘what if’ factor. So trying to anticipate those ‘what ifs’ is definitely a thing for me. And with Halloween right around the corner, it’s important that we’re having the conversations with our kiddos about a Halloween safety plan so they can have an evening of fun, while also being safe.
Before diving headlong into the list of Halloween safety tips below, I recommend visiting HalloweenMagazine.com with your children to take the quiz (play the game) that brings a more hands-on element to the safety talk.
First, it has you read the Safety Guidelines and Rules for Halloween before taking you to the start of The Official Halloween Safety Quiz Game. Let me tell you why this game is so beneficial:
- During the game your child is given a scenario and the opportunity to choose the safest response. If they answer correctly then they’re told “Good Job!” accompanied by a brief explanation why they were right.
- If they respond with an unsafe response they get “Boogeyman Error!” with an explanation why that was not a safe choice. They are then redirected back to the question to try again.
This game is especially telling with the youngest of trick-or-treaters. Take the quiz
Moving on, let’s talk about those specific Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips coming from Justin Lavelle, Communications Director at background checking service, BeenVerified.com. Making it simple to keep your worries at bay with a set of helpful tips to keep your children safe this upcoming Halloween.
The Safety Plan
While Out and About...
- Make sure you know the neighborhood and who lives there. You can do a quick search on BeenVerified.com to see if your new neighbors have any skeletons in their closet.
- The most popular times to trick-or-treat are 5:30-9:30pm. There is safety in numbers, so it is best to stick to these times when traveling the neighborhood. Remember, if the porch light isn't on, don't knock...this house is not participating in the festivities.
- Spooky decorations and the lure of candy can be very enticing. However, remind your children to never enter a stranger's home. Trick-or-Treating, or otherwise.
- Children under the age of 12 should never be turned loose to go door-to-door without adult supervision. It's always best to go out in groups and stay in the neighborhoods you are most familiar with using the sidewalk and remaining on well-lit streets as you navigate the neighborhood.
- Kids should carry flashlights with fresh batteries or glow sticks so they are visible to cars and motorcycles. Include reflector tape on the bottoms of shoes for added protection.
- Beware of dogs you don't know and advise kids not to pet dogs you meet along the trick-or-treat route. Dogs can be nervous around little kids, especially ones dressed like ghouls and goblins.
- As always, kids should never talk to strangers. Kids should also be instructed never to take money from adults they don't know. If approached by an inappropriate adult (or they feel uncomfortable about a situation), they should report it to parents immediately.
- If your kids feel uncomfortable with an adult in the group, give them permission to exit with confidence. Just because someone isn't dressed like a villain doesn't mean they are safe to be around. Let your child follow his or her intuition.
- It's always good to prepare for the worst case scenario. Should your child be grabbed, instruct him to kick, bite and scream for help. Teach them to say things like, "You're not my parents...I don't know you!" In most cases, the ruckus will cause the perpetrator to flee the scene.
- If parents are still concerned about safety, they can also consider hosting a well-supervised Halloween party instead of trick-or-treating.
Costume Concerns...
- You should decorate your kids' costumes and candy bags with reflective tape to make them more visible on the dark streets.
- Make sure your children's costumes fit properly so they can maneuver easily and prevent trips and falls.
- Purchase costumes and accessories that are flame resistant.
By having a trick-or-treat plan in place, you are sure to have a memorable and safe night haunting the neighborhood!
About the expert…Justin Lavelle is Communications Director at BeenVerified.com where he often writes about the topic of family safety. BeenVerified is the easy way to search for people. It gives you fast, affordable, and easy access to public records. Find out ages, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, driving records, criminal records, and so much more! All the records you need in one simple report.