
Free printables: Lunch box notes

August 10, 2016 | by rebecca stewart

We are officially operating in full back to school mode, and if you’re like me, you’re doing your best to streamline your way into this new school year. Less frazzle, more dazzle is what I'm aiming for this year (breaking up with the snooze button is also a big part of that plan, but I digress). For mornings when the frazzle tries to take over, we’ve got a whole brand new batch of free lunch box printables for you to nestle in your lovely bugs’ lunch boxes!

So let us help take some of the pressure off of the morning madness with this fun variety of notes for you to choose from. Simply click this link: SFM Lunch Box Printables and print (print one page, print both, it's totally up to you!). Easy-peasy! Here’s a look at what you’ll find:

Lunch Box Notes:

  1. You are my sunshine!
  2. Choose kindness in all you do!
  3. You are a SUPER star!
  4. Here’s a smile…Pass it on!
  5. Who loves ya baby? I do! I do!
  6. Rock that test today!
  7. Be YOU! (Because you are the awesome-est of awesome sauciness!)
  8. Do the right thing even when no one is looking!
  9. If you believe it, you can achieve it!
  10. Throw kindness around like confetti! –Kid President
  11. It’s okay to not know. It’s not okay to not try. You can do this!
  12. Work hard, Have fun, Learn lots!
  13. I am so proud of you!
  14. Find something great about today and tell me all about it tonight!
  15. If you think someone could use a friend, be one!
  16. You are the one and only ever you! –Nancy Tillman
  17. Just keep swimming! –Dory
  18. Be the rainbow to someone else’s storm cloud!
  19. Trust your beautiful brain!
  20. Let your light shine bright!

For even more free printable lunch box options, be sure to check out these notes we shared last year!

printable designs created by Laurie Keller, Design-Simply Family Magazine