Change the Story: The Compassion Experience coming to Billings
This testimonial for Compassion International-The Compassion Experience was shared with SFM by Lacey MaloneyAlmost two years ago, my husband and I traveled to Ethiopia to meet and bring home our adopted son, Abrahim. Because we were taking one of Ethiopia's finest, we made it our mission to visit as many organizations on the ground as possible, in hopes that we could leave Ethiopia better than we found it. One particular organization stood head and shoulders above the rest--Compassion International.
We were deeply grieved to see children living in orphanages, many of whom had families who loved them, but who were simply too poor to care for them. We met children in the orphanages who had identical stories to the children who were sponsored through Compassion. The only difference being that sponsorship kept them with their families. We also befriended two grown men, today strong leaders, who were formerly sponsored through Compassion. Had they not been sponsored, neither would ever have even attended school.
Since arriving home, our family has spoken often and much about the impact of sponsorship through Compassion. They are fiscally responsible and every dime we have ever given was accounted for when we met the children we sponsor. Hands down, no other ministry we witnessed stretches each dollar as far, nor has as far reaching an impact as what we saw with the children who were sponsored through Compassion.
This summer, we have helped to arrange The Compassion Experience to come to Billings. Run by Compassion International, this interactive experience allows folks to see firsthand what it is like for a child living in poverty, without ever having to leave Billings. It is free to do, family friendly, and takes about 20 minutes to walk through 2 semi trucks that will be parked at Castle Rock Park in the Heights July 1-6. At the end, folks will have an opportunity to make a difference and sponsor a child if they choose. We cannot say enough good things about this organization, we sincerely hope to see you there! For more information or to reserve your spot, go to
Change the Story: The Compassion Experience
Friday, July 1-Wednesday, July 6
Change the Story: The Compassion Experience is not a museum. It is the developing world, brought to your backyard. Within the walls of this life-changing event you will walk through the life of a real child who lives in very real poverty, through crowded homes and garbage strewn streets. You will pass through poverty--into hope.
The Compassion Experience is a journey--one that doesn't require a passport or plane ticket, just 20 minutes and an open heart.
The Compassion Experience at Castle Rock Park on Wicks Lane in Billings Heights. Open daily, July 1-July 6 from 10am-7pm, reservations helpful but not necessary at
CompassionExperiencepreview from The Compassion Experience on Vimeo.