
17 ways to celebrate ‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. What an important message to share with our children; don’t you think? Especially now, in a world so desperate for a little love and kindness. To help us celebrate, we put together this simple list of 17 (small) ways to show kindness to those around us. We hope you will join us!

17 Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day

  1. Write a heartfelt note to three unsuspecting friends. It can be a text message or a message on social media — but bonus points for old-fashioned snail mail!
  2. Bake and deliver a homemade treat to one neighbor’s home.
  3. Compliment a mama with littles on her well-behaved children, preferably in Target or the grocery store.
  4. Cook a meal for a busy family with small children. (Pick-up from a restaurant is okay, too. It’s the thought that counts!)
  5. Send a quick thank you email to a teacher who made a difference in your life.
  6. Leave a friendly server (or hairdresser) the biggest tip you can afford.
  7. Pay for someone’s coffee in the Starbucks line.
  8. Leave a sweet, uplifting message on a sticky note in a public restroom. Stick it somewhere easy to spot, like a bathroom mirror.
  9. Make a list of things you love about your significant other and then give it to them. Bonus points if you write it on something meaningful (like a baseball or in the front cover of a beloved book).
  10. Say thank you to someone who has served our country.
  11. Say thank you to a police officer or a firefighter.
  12. Purchase some extra dog or cat food, and drop it off at an animal shelter.
  13. Pack two lunches, and give one away (at work or school).
  14. Send mail to Cards for Hospitalized Kids. They’ll deliver the cards to sick kids in hospitals all around the country! (This is a great one for littles.)
  15. Create an email address for your small child. Send them a sweet email (at least once a week) including photos, and special memories. Tell them the username and password on their eighteenth birthday. What a walk down memory lane that will be!
  16. Call someone you love and tell them you appreciate them.
  17. Open the door for a stranger. And don’t forget to smile!

What are some other ways we can show kindness today and every day? We would love to hear! Feel free to share in the comments below! And don’t forget to tag us in your Random Acts of Kindness Day photos. Use the hashtag #sfmkindness when sharing to social media. You might even find your photos on our page!

About the author…After three blissful years in the Treasure State, Jessica recently moved back to Houston, Texas with her hunky husband and her two precious little girls, Savannah and Emma Kate. They are expecting a third baby (girl) this summer! Jessica is a small business owner with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, and a nerd-like love for political science. She is passionate about writing, marketing, social media management, and this wonderfully beautiful mess we call parenthood.