Take Part in Make a Difference Day
October 24 is Make a Difference Day, an ideal day to show the ones that you love and appreciate, that you are thinking about them. A gesture does not have to be grand; the simple act of lessening the load someone carries throughout their day will speak volumes. At home, in the workplace, in your children’s schools and with strangers, here are some ideas that will get our community making a difference.Make a Difference at Home, Work, & School
While starting your day at home, take the extra time to help your younger child with their hair by using some of their favorite hair accessories you normally would not have time to help with. Give them a sticker for looking so good in the outfit they picked out. Make their favorite breakfast or pack their favorite lunch. If you have older children, allow them to give back one chore today because you appreciate all their hard work at school.
Spouses, have you noticed there is one thing around the house that the other simply cannot stand? Do it for them, so that when they go to complete that task, it has already been done. Run a bath for your wife and promise to keep the children out of the bathroom. Give your husband an hour of personal time to spend as he wishes, while you keep the children away. Teenagers, offer to go grocery shopping or finish the laundry for your parents. Children can also rake and bag the leaves from the front yard.
At work, if you notice a co-worker having a stressful day, tell them three things you think they are doing great at. Post a positive quote over the drinking fountain or in the restroom for all to see. Offer to help sort mail, carry boxes, make copies, etc. to help out. If you can, and you know someone is struggling to make ends meet, offer to buy them lunch.
Send your children to school on Make a Difference Day with the goal of brightening the teacher’s day. Provide them with some ideas, like holding the door without the teacher asking. Request that they always raise their hand when they want to speak and not to disrupt class. At recess, have them tell their teacher their favorite classroom poster and why. When in line for lunch, remind them to always say please and thank you to each server as they go through the line.
Making a Difference in the Community
On October 24, let’s all make the goal of making a difference in our community by donating used toys or clothes to the mission. Bring a small care package to someone on the street, think of things such as a toothbrush, wipes and toothpaste. If you’re at the store and notice a mother with her hands full, offer to return her cart or let her checkout in front of you in line. Compliment someone on their shoes, coat, etc. While driving, refrain from distractions and wave pedestrians on in front of you. If you see some trash floating around our city streets, use a Kleenex and pick it up to throw it away.
When you celebrate Make a Difference Day, our families, friends, co-workers and educators will be inspired to get involved, thus creating a cycle of good deeds that doesn’t have to end on the 24th!