Moms with a Cause! Mom's Club of Billings Fundraiser Garage Sale Coming May 18th

Somehow, when I had kids my entire circle of acquaintances changed. There's no one to blame. I'm too busy to be as good of a friend as I once was, and I'm pretty sure first teeth and potty-training are much more interesting to me than to my non-parent friends. But for all that I'm a complete Mommy (other than the Mom jeans, I WILL NOT succumb to those!), I'm still me. And I still need friendships in my life.
Thank goodness for my Mommy group, Mom's Club of Billings. We meet for playgroup, our kids play like crazy (and take fabulous naps that day) and we talk. That's right, other really, truly, grown-ups to talk to! We also go on field trips, and once a month we have a Mom's Night Out. That's often my only non-kid time in the entire month. I've made good friends and my boys have learned to play and interact well with others, so it's a win-win.
One of the best and most important things about our group, is that we are a fundraising organization. We have a few fundraisers throughout the year, and all the money we raise is donated to local charities. I love that we are doing good for our community and teaching our kids to do the same.
There are several playgroups and moms' groups in Billings and the surrounding areas. They're all a little different, and they all have a lot to offer. If you're interested in joining one, try a few out. The playgroup will do you and your kids the most good if you feel welcome and comfortable right away, so make sure you find the right one for you. Check out the calendar in your Simply Family magazine, or right here on the website. Many of the groups have their meeting times listed for you.
And whether you're a Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, or just a bargain hunter, there's a way you can help us in our mission to help the community. Mom's Club of Billings will be holding a large garage sale fundraiser this Friday, May 18th from 8am to 4pm at 528 Thistle Place in Billings. We will be there, rain or shine. All of the items for sale are donated, and 100% of the money raised will go to local charity. We are planning on donating to both Relay for Life and Bright Eyes & Backpacks this year. Any purchase you make goes to a great cause, and helps teach my sons a life lesson about giving to those in need. And since I truly believe that it does take a village, I will gladly take all the help I can get. Thanks, and see you Friday!