Bored Jar

a week after school is let out for the summer, I catch my kids saying
the dreaded phrase: “I’m bored.” After months and months in school
and hoping and waiting and wishing for summer vacation, you would
think they’d have lists of things they planned on doing once they were
free! The Bored Jar will help them remember all of the fun things
they wanted to do during the school year. It can also stimulate new
play ideas.
In order to record your kid’s ideas and favorite activities for your
bored jar, you will need the following materials:
1. A large jar
2. Popsicle sticks
3. Fine point marker or pen
Sit down with your kids and brainstorm 50-100 things they enjoy doing,
and write each idea on a separate Popsicle stick. Some examples from
our jar are:
* Put together a puzzle
* Draw a picture for Grandma and Grandpa and put it in the mail for them
* Finger Paint
* Lemonade Stand
* Blow Bubbles
* Go swimming
* Go on a Bike Ride
* Rent a movie or catch a matinee
* Play with Play dough
* Play a board game
After all of your fun ideas are written down on the sticks, place them
in the jar. Label the jar the "Bored Jar." Each time your child comes
to you saying “I’m Bored,” direct them to the jar to draw a stick for
something to do. You can add an additional rule that they must do what
is written on the stick. We like to add more sticks to our jar as we
come up with new ideas. That way, the fun never ends!