ZooMontana WinterFest Coming Soon! April 28th

The evening of music will take
place at the Babcock Theater in Billings on Saturday, April 28th at 7:00 pm.
Dennis Quaid and The Sharks have been performing in front of thousands of
people receiving rave reviews.
Dennis Quaid is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist. Quaid performs many original plus classic hits such as "Spill the Wine", "Gloria", and many more. The band's origins can be traced to one night when Quaid went to see actor Harry Dean Stanton and his longtime band (appropriately named the Harry Dean Stanton Band) perform at an L.A. club.
Quaid was invited to join the band onstage. At first reluctant because of his
decade long layoff from music, Quaid finally did perform with the band and was
successful enough that a member of Stanton's band approached Quaid about
starting a group of their own. They quickly began recruiting others for the band
and it wasn't long before Dennis Quaid & the Sharks, which specializes in "rock
'n' roll and country-soul," was performing at L.A. clubs. The band even throws in
a Jerry Lee Lewis song or two in the mix, such as "Great Balls of Fire," which
Quaid has firsthand experience performing, having played "The Killer" in a 1989
biopic. Quaid said the shows are as much fun for those in attendance as they
are for the band. "(The audiences) have a blast, which is all we want," he said. "I
make a complete and utter fool of myself. I think that's the only way to have fun
(onstage), instead of trying to pretend to be cool and all the rest of that stuff."
The musical evening will begin with Dan Page and the Barncats, a Billings
quartet that blends honky-tonk classics and finely crafted originals. The band is
made up Dan Page, Mark Bryan, Dennis Nettick-Simmons and Brad Edwards.
Shortly after the Barncats set, Rob Quist and the House of Quist will take the
stage. The House of Quist has been garnering industry attention with their high
energy live shows and compelling original songs, and is now recording with
producer heavyweight David DeVore (REO Speedwagon, Santana, Fleetwood
Mac, Elton John). Featuring Guthrie Quist on lead guitar, Halladay Quist on bassand Pat McKenna on percussion, The House of Quist is a tour de force with
soaring sibling vocals backed by thunderous drums. Rob Quist is a legendary
Montana musician and published poet who is the lead singer and songwriter for
such seminal groups as Mission Mountain Wood Band, The Montana Band and
Rob Quist & Great Northern; his award winning songs have been recorded by
Michael Martin Murphey, Loretta Lynn and Jack Gladstone, and he has been
inducted into UM School of Fine Arts Hall of Honors, recognizing him as "one of
it's greats".
Tickets for ZooMontana’s first annual WinterFest can be purchased at the Red
Door Lounge, (406-259-6419) or at ZooMontana (406-652-8100). There will also
be a limited premium VIP tickets for a dinner and silent auction at 5 p.m. which
will also include reserved seats and an after show wrap party. Proceeds of the
evening will support the education and conservation work of ZooMontana. This
concert is the first of many ZooMontana plans to host in conjunction with the local
entertainment company Klover Productions which is producing the event, an
organization dedicated to ensuring the future of ZooMontana.
About the ZooMontana
ZooMontana is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization committed to the
very best in animal care, conservation and education. The Zoo and Botanical
Park is dedicated to the preservation, conservation and education of wildlife and
their habitats. The Zoo is located at 2100 S. Shiloh Rd. in Billings, MT just of the
Zoo Drive Exit (443) of Interstate 90. Find the Zoo on the web at
www.zoomontana.org and on Facebook. Winter hours are 10am until 2pm.