Trade in Your Used Video Games for Credit
Your kids have been probably been playing their Christmas Wii, Playstation & XBox games for almost a month now. Are they bored with them yet? Did they already "master" them? Good news you can trade in your used video games for Amazon CreditMy daughter got two of the same game for Christmas so I just did this. It is super simple. You simply select the game you want to trade in and fill out an online form.
Then, you print out the packaging label and ship it (for free) to Amazon. Make sure you keep the boxes (and instructions) because you won't be able to trade in your games without them!
If they accept your trade in, you'll get the pre-listed amount of trade-in value that you can use toward the purchase of another used (or new game)...or anything else on the site (like boots, shoes, jewelry... ;)
They also accept movie & book trade-ins so perhaps it's time for a little de-cluttering, spring cleaning...and cashing in!