The Billings Food Bank is Taking Donations for Area Flood Victims
If you are interested in helping area flood victims you can bring your donations to the Billings Food Bank.Here is a list of needed items from
* Bottled water - any size
* Infant formula and baby food
* Diapers - all sizes
* Toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
* Personal hygiene items: soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, combs and brushes
* Laundry soap
* Clothes: underwear, kids' clothes, and adult wear - must be clean and in repair if not new
* Blankets, linens, towels, wash cloths, etc.
* Cooking utensils
* Plates - both paper and washable
* Eating utensils
* Kids toys
* Coloring books and crayons, activity items
Food items include:
* Canned food
* Cereal
* Vegetables and fruit - both canned and fresh
* Milk, juices, etc.
* Dog and cat food
Other items will be added to the list as they are asked for. If you have questions, call the Billings Food Bank at 259-2856,
The Billings Food Bank is located at 2112 4th Avenue North.