Writer Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in Simply Family Magazine, if you have any questions about any of the information below, please contact:Simply Family Magazine
PO Box 21587
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 671-5615
Simply Family Magazine is a 12-month newsmagazine designed to be a free resource for parents and families in Billings, Montana and the surrounding areas.
Readership is largely composed of families with children ages newborn through beginning college. Although mostly mothers will pick up the magazine, statistics show that 89% of fathers also read this type of publication. Readers have a wide variety of backgrounds but 84% have a college education, many with advanced degrees. Approximately 55% are dual income families.
Editorial Focus
Articles submitted should address current parenting issues with Billings tie-ins whenever possible. We are interested in well-researched, non-fiction articles covering all stages of parenting. We look for pieces covering local interests, health, finance, education, travel, parental involvement, family fun, informational articles, humorous articles as well as “how-to” articles that will make their life easier.
Publishing Specifics
For seasonal or theme-specific articles, please see the editorial calendar and submission deadlines below. “Evergreen” articles will be considered for departmental pieces and our “Ages & Stages” Sections. We may publish “evergreen” articles anywhere from 1-18 months after receipt. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and style. To be considered for assigned articles, please send a query letter with published samples.
Each Month we publish 2-4 “feature” articles based on the editorial theme of that issue. These articles will range anywhere from 700-1500 words depending on whether it is a main feature article or an additional feature. We will publish 4-5 departmental articles in each issue. Our departments will vary and may include but are not limited to: Health, Finance, Technology, Travel, Fun Finds (products, books, videos, and music), Home Decorating, Cooking, Crafts, Fitness, Organizing, Humor, Spiritual Growth, and Family Fun. Departmental Articles should be 500-900 words. In addition, our Ages & Stages section will include one article for each of the two following age groups: Babies & Toddlers and Tweens & Teens. Articles should be timely and relevant to the age group you are submitting for and be approximately 700-900 words including any sidebars.
We buy first rights or reprint rights. Simultaneous submissions to parenting publications in other regions are accepted. We will not accept articles that have been submitted to any other LOCAL publications. LOCAL professionals currently practicing in the topic field of the article they submit are not compensated other than receiving an author credit noting their credentials and the location of their practice.
Please email all article submissions in Microsoft Word attachments or cut and paste into an email to editor@simplyfamilymagazine.com. Please include a resource list for any quotes in your article. Please include your name, address, phone, email, subject and number of words in article and a maximum 2 sentence bio to be used at the end of article including parenting, and/or professional experience. You will be notified before an article is published to guarantee exclusivity within our region. If you wish to remove an article from our consideration at any time, please contact us at the same email to do so.
Payment is made upon publication. Fees vary upon length, depth of piece and whether it's an original manuscript, submitted, assigned, or if it is a reprint. All photos submitted with articles must be 300dpi and CMYK color. Please inform the editor if there is an extra charge for photos.
For a sample copy of Simply Family Magazine, please send request to: Simply Family Magazine, PO Box 21587, Billings, MT 59104.
Editorial Calendar/Submission Deadlines:
Month: August • Theme: Back to School • Submission Deadline: June 10
Month: September • Theme: Grandparents/Traditions • Submission Deadline: July 10
Month: October • Theme: Teens • Submission Deadline: August 10
Month: November • Theme: Giving Back • Submission Deadline: September 10
Month: December • Theme: Holiday Celebrations • Submission Deadline: October 10
Month: January · Theme: TBA · Submission Deadline: November 10
Month: February • Theme: Early Childhood/Preschool • Submission Deadline: December 10
Month: March • Theme: Celebrations • Submission Deadline: January 10
Month: April • Theme: Summer Camps & Activities Guide • Submission Deadline: February 10
Month: May • Theme: Mothers • Submission Deadline: March 10
Month: June • Theme: Sports-Activities • Submission Deadline: April 10
Month: July • Theme: Arts • Submission Deadline: May 10