
WELCOME to the SFM Snowball Fight challenge!

It’s that time of year again! Brrr! Let’s make this year a WINTER of KINDNESS!  How?  WE are starting a SNOWBALL FIGHT!


“Throw” a Snowball fight of KINDNESS!  Make it a GIANT snowball!

Kindness Snowballs are formed out of layer after layer of completed kindness challenges written on paper for others!  (want a template? Find one below…any piece of paper will work, however, just keep it going!)

We can’t wait to see just how GIANT and FUN they can get!  Can you imagine pulling up to your friend’s house and dragging a giant ball of paper out of your car and leaving it on someone’s doorstep?  We think it will really help remind people of how fun and powerful it can be to remember to be kind in our everyday routines.

Not only that, but that snowball will represent 100s of acts of kindness!   What could be more inspirational! 


It’s simple.  Your job is to act out the kindness challenge written on the outside of the snowball. 

THEN, help the snowball grow by adding a piece of paper to the snowball (any piece of paper will do, we aren’t picky) after writing your own challenge on that piece of paper.   

Get your SFM Snowball Fight Kindness Challenge starter tag, here! 

NEXT, “hit” a friend by leaving the snowball somewhere clever for them to find!  (doorstep, car, locker, in their bag, on their desk, toss it to them as you walk by)...have fun and be creative!   We can’t wait to see what you think of!

ALSO, You can nominate another person, organization, business, etc. to start building their own snowball by hitting them with a snowball starter that you have created. (find out how at simplyfamilymagazine.com/online/2016/11/snowballfight) 

WHEN you get hit by a snowball snap a picture or video and put it and part of the journey on social media with #sfmsnowballfightforkindness to convince others to join the fight for kindness as well as brag about how big your snowball has gotten!  We can’t wait to see GIANT snowballs left in clever places for unsuspecting friends!  Who can build the build the biggest snowball? The challenge is ON! 


Print off the snowball tag that can be found here….Write the name of the person, organization, business, etc. that started the snowball on the tag. Attach the instruction tag creatively or just make sure it goes along for the ride and can stay along for the ride. (string? Tape? We aren’t picky…just get it going!)

Don’t have any way to print the instruction tag? Stop into one of our local business partners; find them here starting November 10th!


Absolutely!  School vs. School?  Business vs. Business?  Family vs. Family?  The challenge is ON! Whose snowball of kindness will be the biggest?

Simply video part of the snowball fight of kindness process and challenge who you want to go to simplyfamilymagazine.com/online/2016/11/snowballfight to start their own!

Need some ideas for how to add kindness to your everyday, check out '75 Simple Ways to Be Kind' on pages 25-26 in SFM's November 2016 issue!