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Ensuring Your Kids are Getting Enough Vitamins

May 25, 2022

by carol evenson

As a parent, one of your main worries is the safety of your children. One aspect of your kids' safety is their health. When your children are healthy, you can take a deep breath and relax. A major part of maintaining the well-being of your kids comes through balancing their vitamin intake. Unfortunately, many kids are picky eaters, which can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The following points will help you ensure your children are getting enough vitamins in their diet. 

Daily Vitamins and Supplements

If you suspect one of your little ones has a vitamin deficiency, you can begin to incorporate daily vitamins into their diet. While filling the nutritional gap specifically is helpful, it's not always possible. If you aren't sure what vitamin your child is missing, you can start them on a multivitamin for kids. Whether you get a multivitamin or something more specific, make sure the dosage is meant for children. If you're unsure what dosage your little ones need, don't be afraid to talk to their pediatrician. 

While children generally don't need as many vitamins as adults, certain circumstances can change that. If your kids are picky eaters, have dietary restrictions, or have certain illnesses, they may need more vitamins and minerals in their diets. For instance, if your little ones have a condition such as celiac disease, they may need extra iron, zinc, and vitamin D in their diet. Before starting a vitamin regimen, talk to your child's pediatrician to make sure you're incorporating the correct supplements and dosages into your kids' diets.  

Wholesome Nutrition

Of course, one of the best ways to incorporate vitamins into your kids' diets is through proper nutrition. While children aren't always the most adventurous eaters, it's essential to feed them more than chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. Feeding your children balanced meals will help them get a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for their development. If you're having trouble getting your kids to eat vegetables, try new methods of preparation. Rather than just serving veggies on their own, try blending them up and putting them in sauces and gravies. By concealing the problem foods, you can ensure that your kids are eating them without a struggle at mealtimes. 

It's also essential to manage your child's sugar intake. It seems like children's brains are hard-wired to only crave sugary sweets, but that can damage their growing bodies. As a parent, it's your responsibility to limit the amount of sugar your kids get. For instance, rather than only drinking fruit juice, opt for fresh or frozen fruit instead. This simple substitution can improve your little ones' vitamin intake while minimizing their sugar levels. By emphasizing wholesome nutrition, you can give your kids the best chance for healthy vitamin intake. 

Peaceful Homelife

Finally, ensuring your kids have a peaceful place to come home to will help their nutrient levels. While this may seem like a stretch, studies have shown that stress limits the number of vitamins and nutrients absorbed from food. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies that manifest in sicknesses, behavioral issues, and growth problems. While you don't have to be perfect, it's essential to make sure your children have a happy upbringing. 

Along similar lines, giving your little ones plenty of time to play outside will help them absorb necessary vitamins. Running around in the sun will help your kids top up their vitamin D stores while their bodies work to put the vitamins from their diets to use. Take your children to parks, let them ride bikes, or enroll them in sports. Essentially, let your kids be kids.

Overall, many factors affect your children's vitamin intake. By living a healthy lifestyle and monitoring your kids' diets, you can ensure they're getting the vitamins they need. 

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