
Don’t Stop Reading (together)

December 2018

rebecca stewart

As I was wrapping things up for the Holiday Bucket List article I asked my girl what Christmas book she would say has been one of her favorites – I really wanted to see if our picks would match. Her response was jarring. She said, “Well, we don’t really read them anymore.”

She wasn’t wrong.

Cue full-force Mom Guilt: sinking heart, internal condemnations of epic failure…The truth is, as she’s gotten older – a full-fledged middle schooler now – and has become one with time spent in her bedroom, she’s right, we haven’t done much reading together. For someone who would gladly proclaim books to be one of her besties, I maybe should have put up more of a fight before letting this become one of the “lasts” that you don’t even realize has come and gone until you’re looking at those moments in the rearview mirror.

Now, full disclosure, I’m not one for making Resolutions, but if I were and if we could all indulge me in hopping on board this train ahead of the ball dropping, then this would be it:

My end of year, cruising into 2019, resolution is simply this: To find opportunities to read with my girl.

But if I’m going to have this resolution hanging out there, then goals must be identified, steps have to be outlined! Here’s the plan:

  1. We will read all of the Christmas books! We will dive full force back into all the stories we’ve loved so long.
  2. We will find at least one new Christmas book that aligns with my tween-aged girl.
  3. I’m not foolish enough to think we’ll be able to steal time every single night, but let’s aim for two nights (not counting Sunday’s Advent adventures) and be downright giddy if we find time for more.
  4. Once this holiday season has come and gone, we'll adopt a series. Personally, I'm leaning towards the Mandie series that I held so dear as a young reader.
  5. We will take turns choosing and promise to go in with an open mind.
  6. I will not care if she simply wants to sit back and let me read to her.
  7. But sometimes I will insist on the gift of hearing her read to me because, after all, I love to listen to her read.

It just happens, these moments that far too quickly become memories, but maybe sometimes it’s worth pulling them out of retirement. Just keep reading…Together.

Originally printed in the pages of Simply Family Magazine’s December 2018 issue. 

Check out the digital edition, here

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