SFM Thankful Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness
On the store shelves things have seamlessly transitioned from all things Halloween to Christmas-in-the-making (as has the Hallmark Channel, by the way). The thing is, there’s this other, nearly ignored, holiday in between the two. The day that’s more than prepping for a Black Friday shopping extravaganza: Thanksgiving. But the Facebook feeds haven’t forgotten, and neither has Simply Family Magazine.
In the November issue of Simply Family Magazine, executive editor, Jamie Besel challenged our readers to hop on board the #SFMThankfulChallenge, taking time out of each day to reflect on those things in life that we’re most thankful for. We invite you to share those things that fill your heart and make your cup runneth over on the Simply Family Facebook page (we'll share a daily prompt for you to 'fill in the blank'), on Twitter, or even Instagram with that simple tag: #SFMThankfulChallenge.
More than anything, though, we want you to take this challenge as a family, spend time each day counting your blessings, reflecting on the things that matter most. Instilling a grateful and thankful heart in our children – especially as we head into the time of year when the gimmies tend to take over.
If you’re more of a hand-on, craft-y kind of family that would like to make those things you’re most thankful a more visible part of the day, a few craft ideas…
SFM Thankful Challenge Craft Ideas:
- Recently Simply Stephanie shared how to construct a beautiful Thankful Tree that will truly add something special to your fall décor. Click here, to get a step-by-step guide.
- Writing this made me realize it’s time to pull out our Handprint Thankful Wreath! Simply trace your child’s hand (or the entire family’s hands) in a variety of fall colors, using a marker, write messages of thanks on the hands. Cut a wreath ring
out of cardboard or poster board, glue hands around the ring until full. You can finish up by adding buttons, ribbons, or other decorative items.
- And finally, it’s not a craft, but it’s definitely a tool you can use to help illustrate to your child how they might be a blessing to others. It’s children’s book Have You Filled a Bucket Today, written by Carol McCloud.
We look forward to hearing (reading) what it is in your life that you are most thankful for all month long; join in the #SFMThankfulChallenge!
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